Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

    Where is the blood bank located?

        Our processing lab and storage facilities are located within the City limits of Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

    How often will my pet be expected to donate?

        Once every 3 months, we will contact you to schedule a collection date, at a time that is convenient for you.

    Are there any health risks to my dog when he/she donates blood?

        All blood donations are collected by trained animal care technologists.

        The blood is then transported to our lab for screening tests to ensure the quality of the collection and any irregularities are reported to your veterinarian for follow-up.

        A healthy dog will replace their blood level to normal within a two week period.

    How many types of K9 blood are there?

        More than a dozen blood group systems that have been identified in dogs. Specific red cell proteins, referred to as Dog Erythrocyte Antigens (DEAs) followed by a number, determine blood type.

        One blood type (DEA 1.1) has been shown to cause reactions in the recipient animal. Dogs that are negative for DEA 1.1 are considered "universal donors".

        DEA 1.1 negative dogs should only receive DEA 1.1 negative blood, whereas DEA 1.1 positive dogs may get DEA 1.1 positive or negative blood.

        Your dog will be provided with a collar tag that will indicate blood type.

    What is a "CBC" test?

        The CBC (complete blood count) evaluates red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

        Red blood cells (RBCs) carry oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.

        White blood cell (WBC) numbers increase when the immune system is stimulated, such as in an infection, parasitic disease or allergies.

        The platelet count is important because platelets play a crucial role in the clotting of blood, along with coagulation factors produced by the liver.

    How can I find out if my dog is eligible to donate?

        The requirements for enrollment in the donor program are listed under the Donor Programs section of our website.

    I still have a few questions: where can I get further information?

        Our staff is available to provide you with additional information.  Please contact us if you have any questions.  We would also be pleased to hear your comments and suggestions!

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